Sunday 3rd July



Shockingly no art, no music, no writing (discount this).
All work plans set aside. Family was handed the keys to
drive my precious time.  Shock horror you say,
a work day lost, but what a fabulous day at no extra cost.


4 thoughts on “Sunday 3rd July

  1. Family time is the best time…one shouldnt be handed the keys for it…it just should ‘ be”… Alas,this is too often not the way…

  2. Hello, you dear old friend….throughout my youth you and your music were my best companions, but as I founded my own family somehow you´ve been put aside…. Today, after many years I came across one of your best performances live uploaded on youtube and man….does this bring back memories. No matter I´ve never heard you playing live here in Croatia (only on my own headphones), hopefully I will have this privledge. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, God bless you!

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