Sunday 20th April


Unpacking years of hastily stashed mementoes, carrier bags 
branded with exotica, burst with tour confetti, magazines, 
photographs, key cards, AAA passes & hotel itineraries. 
The shredder working overtime builds hamster paradise. 
As the boxes empty the memories leap & dance around, 
which to keep & which to shred? Things I never had time to filter, 
stuffed into bags between flights & buses. Cover shots document 
the evolution of two boys from Wales, a timely reflection 
on past lives. Another twenty four hours should clear the lot, 
a whole new room appears from the dust, cardboard reserves 
replenished in the art studio, nothing wasted ( if only we had 
a hamster). Listening to Metz to spark the plugs before the 
thrill & pump of the morning ride, fresh air and adrenaline, 
my cocktail of choice. 

3 thoughts on “Sunday 20th April

  1. Hey Carl
    When you coming to play Ireland again with underworld?
    Great memories of that night in simmonscourt Dublin!!


  2. Or you could give them to us dirties to figure out what’s interesting and what’s not! No doubt some bits and pieces would end up framed as momento’s!!

    • Yeah, Karl. You could make up some kind of game or start a contest, and the winners get your old stuff. Some lucky people out there could end up with Karl Hyde’s bus ticket from 2002, your old socks from the ’90’s, and the napkin you used at some restaurant in Japan when you were on tour.

      OK, I’m just kidding. I just thought that was really funny.

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