Saturday 14th February



My poet is numb today, abandoned on the rails between Birmingham
& London. Infected, breathing, sneezes, coughs, flinching to the
spikes of ringing cellphones, toddler tears & the recounted legends
of McDonalds meals.
My poet dribbles, lurching over toast & butter, tea-bag in the cup,
trying to remember what happens next.
London, Corby, Stockport, Manchester, Kidderminster, London,
the real united Kingdoms of our tiny island are everywhere but here
in the Land of Oz. Optimism, unrelated to the wallpaper silk spun
politicking of daily transmissions, we philosophise down here whilst
the rest of our nation, expecting nothing for their troubles, gets on
with the business of determining their own futures regardless of
Essex is everywhere, the spirit of ‘kettle-on’ lives!
15 recorded interviews, 15 different experiences, 15 lives lived,
everyone of them building, moving on, positive, relentless hope.


1 thought on “Saturday 14th February

  1. I just arrived from a place full of art and poetry. Wish you could see it. It was like a rare miniature of our world.
    At breakfast you could see huge groups of chatty and happy Englishmen (some with a heavy hangover), an Indian woman serving her husband toast and beans, a group of celebrating American ladies around 75-85 (some with a walker), two families from the Middle East where women and children sat at one table and the husbands with another, an elder Swedish father with two adopted Asian children and later that day even a group of young Arabian guys appeared in long mantle clothes and a huge fur hat that reminded me of Genghis Khan.
    The funniest thing with all these people was that all of them had an iPhone and used it very frequently.
    In the evening we were looking for the Northern Light and we eat dinner next to a man and his 30 years younger wife from Uruguay who never seen snow before.
    We spent the night in a room created by an artist who called it Prime Mate. It was huge gorillas made in ice and snow hanging in real life sized trees made in ice and watching above our bed. I never felt more safe 🙂

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