Thursday 6th August



The head is a tight muscle filled with nothing but ‘wants’.
Well, if it’s going to be that kind’ve a start I’d better
get the kettle, sit out on the back step & listen
to the corn. Load the car with bags of pedals & guitars &
little black notebooks full of words I forgot. Switch off the
head behind the wheel & feel the road vibrate between my fingers.
When the muscle between the ear is tight theirs a storm on the
way. It’s time to open up the box of tools I’ve been given
for days like this, look in the mirror, smile & laugh.
Let go of all wants & preconceptions, all needs & cravings.
Let go of all frustrations & ‘no one understands me’s’.
Everything turns around, sitting on the back step with black tea,
handing the whole lot over – I don’t ‘need’ anything.


6 thoughts on “Thursday 6th August

  1. The simple solution of handing it over. I struggled with that at first but when I finally did I was not disappointed. My faith grew in my Universal hp, because of course It wants only the best for me. Me I sometimes want the worst and that my friend is our struggle, but we keep on climbing because it is best for us and the people we love. Upwards and onwards and sweetness follows.

  2. Tis good to have the old “toolbox”,took me a long long time to get one together and now it’s used often , so i’d say we’re the lucky ones đŸ™‚

  3. You don’t ‘need’ anything because you know you already have it.
    You can get those tight muscles relax, make the calm after the storm, with or without a smile & laugh in the mirror. Everything is fine on this journey. Feel the engine, not only the road, vibrate only for you.

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