Sunday 31st January



The news hit me hard this morning as I breezed into the bathroom
singing the theme from Blazing Saddles. The radio was playing
Clifford T Ward’s ‘Home Thoughts From Abroad’, one of the few
of his songs I ever got on with. Cliff was the man who started me
on this journey, it’s all in the book I just delivered to the
publishers, but basically without Cliff I wouldn’t be a musician.
Ha ha ha, I bet you never expected the man who wrote the kind’ve
songs Cliff did to have had a hand in ‘Born Slippy’ – art knows
no boundaries. When Cliff passed away, BBC master broadcaster
Terry Wogan was a great supporter of his family & a champion of
Cliff’s music. As a kid I’d grown up listening to Terry’s radio
shows & had admired his calm self-afacing interview style
when he eventually transferred to the TV with his phenomenally
successful chat show. It was something I rarely missed, treating it
like ‘school’ as I soaked up all I could about interview technique
from both sides of the mike & how to treat people with respect
regardless. Terry’s iconic presentation of the Eurovision Song
Contest will forever remain unsurpassed. He set the bench mark high,
delivering a tongue-in-cheek commentary that remind us never to take
life too serious. A gentle gentleman yet with a razor wit that allowed
him to transcend age & bridge generations. It really didn’t matter
what his musical taste was on any given day, for me it was all about
him, his presentation, the presence of a unstoppable, bright & buoyant
sense of humour that was warm, generous & inclusive, never cynical.
A broadcaster that I always felt was laughing at himself & inviting
me to treat myself the same. To all you hardcore ravers,
headbangers & EDM-ers it might seem totally out of character,
but this morning, when I heard the news, I broke down & cried.


6 thoughts on “Sunday 31st January

  1. Not another one. What a year this has been already. And yet despite losing good people, they leave us these gifts, their legacy.

  2. Very well put and echoes the feelings of many..I loved Terry and cried with laughter a few times at his humour… Though shed a wee tear listening to Father Brian on the radio a moment ago 😢

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