Monday 4th April



The one who answered the phone when I eventually made the call
that changed my life was Tony Trains. An unmistakable voice
anywhere in the world, unique even in his East London borough.
I remember exactly where he was sat the first time I saw him
in the corner of a tiny smokey back room near Romford dog track.
It blew me away how articulate he was & yet how different
our backgrounds were. The fact is, our journeys were the same
and when he spoke he told my story so eloquently that I
instantly liked the man & wanted to do whatever it was he was
doing that was making him so damn cool.


6 thoughts on “Monday 4th April

  1. Lovely words karl…..
    Tony was a bloke that made me smile every time I saw him….With a laugh that sounded like muttley chewing sandpaper……He helped me & plenty of others…..How nice to have good memories……

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