Wednesday 19th April


Real bird hangs in the wind,
Wind blown in to shore from the sea,
North Atlantic kite with wings,
Black face,
Eyes down into the water,
Water whipped up by the wind,

Wood chip fire smoke,
Local loco,
Make you walk like a man,
Omega matured,
Fish fresh from the sea


1 thought on “Wednesday 19th April

  1. Oh, what do we do with the herring’s eyes?
    Oh, what do we do with the herring’s eyes?
    Herring’s eyes, pickles and pies,
    Herring’s tail, foot in shoes,
    Herring’s fins, needles and pins,
    Herring’s head, loaves of bread,
    And all sorts of things,
    Of all the fish that swim in the sea,
    The herring is the one for me….
    ……That’ll be The Herring Song 🤗

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