Friday 7th August


Prepping another radio show with Steve for 6Music. I’d like
to get him on the mic with me,he tells a great story, know’s
the background to everything we play, hours of entertainment
talking together on tour about music history & it’s my
ambition to present broadcasts together in the near future when
we start broadcasting our own shows from Lemonworld.

So, when 6Music asked if I’d put together another show for them
I was reminded how journalists always ask,

“What are you listening to?”

This show will be about exactly that & Steve was on a similar
sonic page. This is what rattles my in-ears when I crawl into
the bus bunk after a gig, when we’re 40,000 feet above the earth
on long-hauls & when I’m zoned out on another drive to another
airport (particularly when we’re stuck in the car park we
affectionately call the M25.

It’s been a good day.Now I’m out on the back step now with a
fat black mug of tea, grateful to be resident in Essex, one of
the most beautiful places on Earth, listening to the corn.


4 thoughts on “Friday 7th August

  1. Back stepping it in the same fair county, weekend cakes in the oven, tea in hand, cat asleep in the grass, big, loud, sparrow scrap in the hedge drowning out the combine nearby. All under a blue grey storm threatening sky. Perfect.

  2. Lush evening, even lusher sunset. The air is sweet the sky is the colour of Flamingo’s. My cup of builders brew has muscles, nice n strong. Post festival crash I’m tired it has been a long week. The builders are in soon to give me a re wire, new bathroom and kitchen. The upheaval is going to be grim, I hope it’s worth it. For now everything is right with the world, just as it should be. Aren’t we blessed.

  3. 6Music. Yummy! Although, I wish I could share the whispers of the corn with you 🙂
    Lemonworld always makes me think of Lemon Planet, my previous IT-security company, that I joined 2000.
    It turned out to be hard work and no time for fitness competition, that I prepared that year, with a routine round to the rhythm of Pearls Girl. But it’s just a funny coincidence, like sooo many others, long before I discovered U/W entirely.

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