Wednesday 18th March



Crucial Systems collapse due to absence of porridge honey shock!
A cacophony of mothers talk too loud too long too over excited
about dust, I’m driven numb. Post school-run snatching time back
from years, exchange, exploding, stories, fevered exhilaration,
mini who-done-it’s, Hitchcock thrillers, the micro detail of A-to-B,
voices if I woke up next to would drive me back to drink, a brutal
pedal-to-the-metal enthusiasm all the way to punch-line.

A substitute of maple syrup, an un-wiped plastic spoon, the first
soothing hit of black tea nectar.

Tiny wind-up kids skitter about the floor, do danger, mouths dipped
in chocolate, animal fingers root for infection, carried on soles,
fresh from streets, the thinly spread pastes of dog-doos & ammonia
splash loos. A jungle of broadcasters without transmitters,
day release for good behaviour, out from solitary,
divided & conquered too long, their whispering-muscles long gone.


4 thoughts on “Wednesday 18th March

  1. 6 Isles of Wonder done; thanks Darre n Karl & also to the later day paint from Rik in Glasgi, Manc & the Sage. One more sleep ’til we slide through the chalk hole for our 7 of 7 reunion – god speed

  2. Faszinierend,du lässt deine muttersprache explosiv sprühen wie ein diamant funkelt.Ich hab heut,ob ich wollte oder nicht, eine englische karte bekommen,die war das gegenteil davon, dumpf und stumpf,totenstill implosiv.
    .Tomorrow is a new day.

  3. 6 Isles of Wonder done; thanks Darre n Karl & also to the later day paint from Rik in Glasgi, Manc & the Sage. One more sleep ’til we slide through the chalk hole for our 7 of 7 reunion – god speed

  4. Cliff Varcoe on March 19, 2015 at 7:02 am said:

    6 Isles of Wonder done; thanks Darre n Karl & also to the later day paint from Rik in Glasgi, Manc & the Sage. One more sleep ’til we slide through the chalk hole for our 7 of 7 reunion – god speed

    Reply ↓

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