Saturday 20th June



Awake at 4:00am washing t-shirts in shampoo, reading mails in bed
blurred vision, copy notes for the book from my phone, send emails
to myself, a new track fresh in from a Manchester boy, a friend who
should’ve been legend, he was always better than me, a cellphone in
the dark bed. Manchester reaches out, city I love, feel it’s dirty
street energy, it’s cracks breath, it’s rough hewn glory sings
the way the Roses did years ago when I was alone here in LA.
A throaty muscle car circles outside, I like the way it growls,
the aircon units whisper to its themselves, mine’s always off,
windows open, inhale deep between the dark sheets, watch the lights
up on subset through slatted blinds, traffic begins to breath on
La Cienega, then first birdsong. I want to sleep on the roof,
but I’m too tired to move.


5 thoughts on “Saturday 20th June

  1. Its fresh in the s.w waiting for the sun to rise a multitude of tribes gathered and like minded. Grinning happy to be here and as one mass conscioussness. Peace to you on this Solstice day.

  2. Welcome to LA LA land! Can’t think of better way to spend the first evening of summer than dancing to your sweet sounds. Can’t wait until your show tomorrow!

  3. The Mansion Inn, a small family owned hotel in Marina Del Rey, was my favourite. It was close to the sea and close to Venice beach with a man on skates with a single guitar singing “What will the man do on Mars?” & it was also close to Gold’s Gym and The Firehouse. Good food! Highly recommended!
    Some things will never change 🙂

  4. Love Manchester. Always considered it a sister in spirit to home. But I’m an old Factory fan, so I’m a bit biased. 🙂

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