Thursday 30th April



Spent the morning with a stone mason, listening to stories
of Sans Serif & the post war re-design of inner-city typography.
Walked the streets in sunlight, got spotted through the colour of
my jacket by two lovers (who didn’t know it), smiling & curling
& checking each other out with glances only I noticed.
The gallery was closed, but the notebook was open, the pen was
invited & obliged by dancing.


3 thoughts on “Thursday 30th April

  1. Good evening, a nice productive day then. Mine was spent waiting for a sparky to fix my lighting, total blackout last night but not to the sockets. We laughed till the tears rolled down our cheeks always tripping on the obstacles left by the cats. Got my Dali book out and we viewed under candle light grinning like idiots at the surrealness of it all. The morning silence broken by LTJ Bukem, Journey Inwards. Four hours sleep made it the perfect cup of tea. The sparky’s bill was shocking!

  2. Please forgive me Karen, but this is the first time I think I’ve read “sparky” used to mean an electrician. To my middle-American ears it sounds as if you’d summoned a magician and that’s the most delightful thing I’ve heard in ages! What kid wouldn’t want to become a sparky when they grew up? Anyway, hope he/she was worth the bill!

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