Tuesday 19th May



Having a Mac-attack this morning, really don’t like the
latest version of iTunes, it doesn’t do what I want when
I need it to like it used to. I’m giving over too much of
my life to Mac, too many upgrades that change the way I
work & think, removes the intuitive nature of what used to
be a useful tool, now increasingly an encumbrance too often
things I like about it disappear with each new ‘upgrade’,
I’m anxious every time I ‘upgrade software’ on the phone,
the legends of loosing content are rife, it should be easy,
it used to be fun, today it seems like a burden. My your
Mac give you love.


1 thought on “Tuesday 19th May

  1. I’m a windows bird, but the mac is good for creativity. Everything has its price/trade off though. Perhaps stepping out of the familiar will bring things that were not expected.

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