Saturday 30th May



Drunks sing violent harmony, threatening fabulous destruction
on the street outside my bedroom window. I fall asleep, in love
with the melodies of their broken sculptures, ragged as
busted beer bottles, searching for a tune, come to eat the city,
a city without you & all the poorer for it, lying awake alone.
Choruses of geezers baying to get into a backroom bar,
Howlin’ Wolf singing ‘You’ll Be Mine’, Slim Harpo doing,
I Got Love For You If You Want It‘, shaking dust of pornbroke
guitars to the groove of a drummer with gone eyes as a skinny thing
slinks across an empty dancefloor, looking back across a shoulder.


10 thoughts on “Saturday 30th May

  1. Absence makes the heart grow stronger. Several thousand people will wrap around you later. Nothing like a good blues tune to chase away the blues and these are certainly two of the best. It too shall pass, have a cracking night. I have a certain amount of envy for those Barca folk.

      • Absence kills slowly.That makes clear, why the king of pain set ‘his wife’ at lifelong diät.
        For himself he has always an apple in pocket.

      • It’s an old English saying if you don’t understand it don’t comment on it. Which you clearly don’t.

    • Hey doll,i see you’ve had a few of this lately the human herd out of sync.
      not only to be the first or loudest or both,you need too,always to have the last word.

    • I;m with you Karen…absence makes the heart grow fonder in my neck of the woods,the other comments i would just ignore 🙂

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