Sunday 19th February



Drive into town,
Park the car in Dog Lane Carpark,
Walk the North bank of the river,
Swans call,
Seagulls call,
A cat,
A For Sale sign,
Flood barriers,
Summer houses & jetties on the West Bank,
A bifocalled woman at a cafe table,
Alone  in a freezing wind,
Looks up in shock,
Clutches a steaming mug,
Two fisted,
Walk under the bridge,
Stop to marvel at the Oak,
The rollers for horse harness pulling barges up river,
Early last Century,
No sign of decay,
Make them spin,
Marvel that they still work,
How different things were back then,
Dodge the cyclist in Lycra & bug-eye shades,
Riding pavements,
Oblivious King,
Read the names of water craft imbedded in the quayside,
South bank of the river,
Cut through the tannery into the park,
Call the names of plants about to bud,
Smell the first blossom,
Up the hill to High Street,
Marvel that buildings rotting in the 60’s are still standing,
How grand & beautiful they must have been in their day,
Georgian facades
Receiving the carriages of Gentlemen & Ladies,
Recount stories of weddings in the 50’s,
Savour the moment,
Hold onto it,
Place it in a pocket,
Never let it go,
Cut down Load Street,
Between the Church & the alley where the library used to be,
Note how many shops are abandoned since the last time you were here,
The shop where Mom worked,
Never lying to customers just to make a sale,
Never telling them something looked nice if it didn’t,
Earning respect & loyalty,
Everything is shut except a young busker,
Singing outside the Chocolate Box,
That closed to become the bank,
That closed to become offices,
Where a sky Blue Milk machine dispensed Strawberry Milk cartons,
The young busker dresses in memory of Teddy Boys that used to
terrorise town in the 50’s,
Singing Buddy Holly songs to no one,
Nice guitar,
A case open on the pavement,
A single coin,
A hot mug of tea to warm his fingers,
Looks dejected,
The museum shop is open,
Go in,
Buy books on local history,
Searching for that illusive picture,
The house where Dad lived,
Asked by the nice lady with the soft American accent,
“Are you local?”
And when we ask she answers,


5 thoughts on “Sunday 19th February

  1. OK. Ich nehme alles zurück.
    Du hast gewonnen!… Es war nur ein Traum !

    ……. und Du……. bist…..
    such’s Dir selbst aus !

    Gut neit

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